Friday, November 14, 2014

The whole family including the dog!

This week was a good and interesting one as usual. My companion and I bonded which was a blessing. 

Mom, I got your package from the office this week and I opened it right there and everyone was like watching me open it.  I shared some of the mints with them. Thank you so much, it made my week. Seriously, it was just what I needed. 

This week one of the less active families who we have been working with came to church. The whole family came which was so great because maybe one or 2 of them usually come but never the whole family. They all came including their dog Kelly, a chihuahua. Yep, the dog came to sacrament meeting and participated in the sacrament. I looked over and saw the dog eating the bread. I was like what, where am I right now? Ha. After the meeting I was talking to the mom of the family and she was like well our dog is Mormon also. I was like well good for them they are working on their family unity, right? Ha. 

As for Conchita, we helped her and she told us that she wants to come to church with us next week. Let’s hope that her cancer doesn’t keep her from coming to church. She is really so sweet she came to the relief society activity this week so that was a blessing for sure. 

Also another less active boy in our ward asked us if he could teach a class in church so we let him teach our gospel principals class. It went great and he told us that he wants to be the prophet, ha. He is a good kid. He is like 12 years old and he very well could be a prophet when he grows up, he is a great kid. 

Today we went to Costco. Ha, I felt like I was in America. It was so weird but yeah it was a good time. We went with Hermana Dapper and Hna. Jensen

Oh yeah I almost forgot my companion has a cold so I have been taking care of her and one day I was like shower and then we can dry your hair. So after she got all dressed I told her she could use my hair dryer then she told me that she didn’t know how to use a hair dryer. Not to worry though I taught her how to use it and now she is an expert. 

Ha, well love you all.

xoxo Hna. Ramirez

Elderes y Hermanas,

Ya estamos en la quinta semana del cambio, por lo cual seguimos motivandolos a través de las experiencias que al contactar tenemos como misioneros  cada día. En esta oportunidad la hermana Ramirez nos comparte siguiente experiencia:

"Como cualquier día normal en la calle. Nuestra meta era poder contactar a todas las personas que encontráramos. Contactamos una persona en la calle que  nos dijo que era miembro. Ella se llama Judith. Pero ya tiene muchos años que no asiste. Pusimos una cita con ella, pero nunca la hemos encontrado en su casa. Hablamos con los miembros acerca de ella y nos dijeron que ella tiene una hija que no es miembro. Fuimos a su casa pero nunca encontramos a ninguna persona en ese lugar. Después de encontrarla la invitamos a una actividad y le dijimos que llevara a su hija. Pero nos comento que  su hija siempre esta ocupada y casi nunca estaba en su casa.
Estando contactando este lunes en las calles cerca de su casa vimos a una joven que se acercaba a nosotras y decidimos contactarla, sin saber quien era ella. Resulto ser la hija de la hermana Judith y ahorita por fin tenemos la oportunidad de poder trabajar con ellas porque tenemos una cita este sábado.

Esto nos ayuda ver la importancia que tiene el  poder Hablar con todas las personas con las que nos encontramos todos los días. Testificamos que si nosotros hacemos esto siempre tendremos la bendición de poder ayudar a otras personas y sobre todo  traer almas a Cristo. Tengamos el valor de Abrir nuestras bocas en todo momento". 

-Hermana Ramirez 

Agradecemos a la Hermana Ramirez por esta buena experiencia que nos compartió. Esperamos que cada uno de nosotros sigamos abriendo nuestras bocas para compartir lo que sabemos que es verdad y que podamos cumplir con las metas que tenemos en nuestro distritos. Nuestro Padre Celestial confía en nosotros, nunca lo olviden.


Elder Rodriguez y Elder Warren

1 comment:

  1. Hannah, me encanta leer lo que tu escribiste acerca de la hija de Judith. Es milagroso que puede pasar cuando uno actua en fe con confianze en el Senor. Tambien, nos reimos de carcajadas (have you heard that expression yet??) cuando leimos acerca del perrito tomando la Santa Cena!!! jajajajaja! We love reading your letters and know that you are in the best possible place ever. Seriously! How awesome!!! xoxoxo
